No Sew Mojo

May 8, 2010

I feel so guilty saying this, but I’ve been working on a charity quilt all week, and I didn’t enjoy it at all. When I bought the fabrics for the quilt last month, I loved the way they looked next to each other on the bolts…but at home, all cut up into 4.5″ squares, I was convinced they would sew up into one ugly quilt.

“These look horrible together,” I cringed once I had laid them all out. “She’s going to hate it.” I’m making this quilt for a seven-year-old girl who said she likes “pink, purple, and flowers.” “Two out of three isn’t bad,” I thought when I bought the fabric. But when I began to sew, I worried that it looked nothing like a quilt one would make to match the “pink, purple, and flowers” list.

While I was sewing the strips, I got even more upset. I thought they looked awful. But when I finally sewed the top together, I had a change of heart. I do like it, and it does match my vision to a large extent. I wanted her to have something that could grow with her, and I think this fits the bill.

Unfortunately, I think I’m in one of those periods where you just can’t stand to look at any of your patterns,Ā  fabric, buttons…and even your machine seems to have it out for you šŸ™‚ It’s temporary, I know, and even blogging about it has made me realize how ridiculous it is.

Looking at the photos, I have a hard time deciding how best to quilt it…I’m considering a large, free-motion floral pattern to bring in more of a floral vibe.

I hope you’re all having productive sewing weekends!

8 Responses to “No Sew Mojo”

  1. Susannah Says:

    It looks nice to me, but I know what you mean by having no sewing mojo — mine conks out when I’m required to sew things like curtains, ugh.

    If you’re still worried about the purple factor, maybe you could bind the quilt in a nice lavender shade? Or skip the free-motion quilting and do hand-tied knots instead, with purple ribbons? (Bad news for cat owners, though.) Or throw on a purple felt applique?

  2. Shelly Says:

    Experiencing the same lack of motivation here.
    Your quilt is lovely…..and will be loved at seven and seventy-seven.

  3. annie stone Says:

    Great suggestions for integrating purple….looks to me like a saturated purple would contrast and pop th polka dots with a lavendar backing. But I am biased toward saturated….don’t be hard on yourself….anyone would love this quilt especially knowing its made just for her!!

  4. I think the quilt is lovely….I’m sure the little girl will love it too.

  5. Cinquefoille Says:

    It really is lovely, and also something not too childishly girly so she really can keep it with her growing up.

  6. rhea Says:

    Hey Monet!

    Sometimes I get all sewed-out, too.

    I think that quilt looks lovely… and correct me if I am mistaken, but you must have sewn that since our last meeting at PFC, right?

    I seem to remember seeing someone who looked a lot like you stacking up bolts that looked a lot like those…

    Which means you got that done in record time.

    I love it!



  7. Tasia Says:

    I’m not a quilter (or a seven year old girl) but I think it’s lovely!
    I have too much sewing mojo these days (and not enough time), but I do know the feeling where it becomes work, and not fun anymore. Take a break when you can, give your machine some space.. and come back when you’re pumped up to make things again šŸ™‚

  8. I think it looks lovely, and the tips about quilting with lavender sound great to me. I look forward to reading what you decided and I hope you’ll get your mojo back again really soon!

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